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For free I work with the utmost care and I’m creating, a successful and complete website. However, I’m displaying ads from related suppliers and other additional high quality sites.

This makes it possible to enlarge and to provide you the best additional information. However, I’m not responsible for the information displayed on the linked sites. is committed to decency, honesty and integrity in all her activities. This also means protecting private information from my visitors. If you have submitted personal information and you want to delete it from my website or you want to update this information, please use my Contact Me page. As soon as possible, I will make sure your request is granted.

Also the questions you have send me by e-mail I will treat with utmost care. Private things like your name and address is not in the hands of third parties. is easily found via and you can also enjoy Venice on my Facebook page.

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Be aware… You also have to take care of your own privacy things such as your email address. Do not share private information on the web where third parties can make use of. In all of my forms your address will not be published. 

You can post a review on my site. You can find them on my main pages, but especially on how to arrive from Airport to Venice. For all ratings and reviews I treat them with care.

You can create your own page on The page you built will be added to my site. Of course, I review the page before I publish it. But feel free to contribute and add your own tips or experience! Again, I'm discreet and I'm aware of what it is.

I will review every comment, post and page on my website. I can ban your IP-address if your comment is not in line with Venice Italy or inappropriate.

You can also contact me via the contact form. Everyday I receive a lot of questions and which I often can respond within 24 hours. Again, I'm going to treat it with care and will not share it with third parties.

I hope I informed you about my policy on my site. Again, feel free to use it and take the qualitative information with you during your vacation. reserves the right to make changes in this policy. Your use of this site indicates acceptance of this policy. This Policy was last amended on July 9 2016.

By Rudmer Hoekstra (author):

Start looking for a cheap place to sleep in Venice

You've read about my legal Policy. Read my site on Venice more and read all the information that you need to have a great vacation in this city!

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